It’s reader’s theater time for 2nd Grade!! I wonder…DO vampires wear polka dots?! #ReadersTheater #2ndGrade #FavoriteTradition
Students in Ms. Shelton’s 5th grade class made a chain with names from the 9/11 Memorial to honor those we lost 20 years ago today. 🇺🇸 #WeWillNeverForget
Please click on the link provided below for the latest communication from Superintendent Tom Lind.
Mrs. Peterson’s Kindergarten friends did a STEM activity to figure out how to balance a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree of branches and letter. Great job!! #STEM #Kindergarten
RGS SPIRIT WEAR IS NOW ON SALE! The online store will be open for orders 9/8-9/22. Go Rams!!
Password: RGS2021
Don’t forget to join us for our PTO meeting today at 4:00 in the RGS library. All are welcome! #Partnership #GetInvolved
Happy Labor Day!! 🇺🇸
RGS celebrated their brides today! Congratulations to the future Mrs. Ross (Ms. Kargol), Mrs. Ali (Ms. Barski), and Mrs. Baker (Ms. Kuhl)!!
Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 6th. Enjoy the long weekend!! #LaborDay
Don’t forget tomorrow, September 3rd, is early release! Car riders and walkers will be dismissed at 11:40 and buses will be called at 11:50. #SchoolImprovementDay
Its a liquid? It’s a solid? It’s oobleck! Fifth grade completed a science investigation on the properties of matter. #5thGrade #Science #oobleck
Don’t forget to join us for our first PTO meeting of the year! 4:00-RGS Library
Mrs. Vavalle’s 4th graders enjoyed making radial name art projects this week! #FirstFullWeek #4thGrade
Wednesday's Board of Education meeting will be live streamed. The meeting will be at the Nippersink Middle School Gym and will start at 7:00pm. Below is the link to stream the meeting live.
We look forward to seeing all of our parents at Curriculum Night tonight!
K/1/2 Sessions: 6:00/6:30
3/4/5 Sessions 7:00/7:30
2nd Graders are LOVING their new touch screen Chromebooks! #DigitalLearning
Students have loved doing “getting to know you” activities all week! #NewFriends
Parents, be sure to check your emails every Friday evening for a “Weekly Update” from Ms. Kuhl!
WeLcOmE BaCk RGS!! We are so happy to see you and get this amazing school year started!! #ItsANewYear #D2LEADS
Please click on t he Link below for the latest FAQ regarding IDPH mitigations.