The newly approved 10 - Year Health and Life Safety Survey can be found at the following link:

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all those who have scaraficed and given so much to serve our nation. We owe our freedom to all of you!

Dear Nippersink District 2 Families,
Please find our fall newsletter by using the link below!

Pl ease use the link provided to read the latest communication updates from superintendent Dr. Tom Lind

Please use the link provded to access the lates district updates from the superintendent.
Best regards

Please use the provided link to read the latest district updates from the superintendent.
Than you

Please use the link provided in helping you to locate any District finacial documents, independent audits or Board Agenda items .

Please use the link provided to learn more infomration regarding the new RGS Principal

RGS Office Closed 6/12-6/14

Summer Office Hours (Monday - Thursday 8am - 2pm)

Thanks, Mrs. Zaremba for sharing! "The 5th graders completed their final project for this year by creating their own authentic sugar skulls! It was a fun way to experience one of the most popular traditions of Dia de los Muertos."

Throwback to 1st Grade's last field trip of the school year. They went to the Nippersink Public Library.

Third Grade's Community Walking Field Trip:
Each year the third graders have the opportunity to walk downtown Richmond and visit some of the local businesses and historical homes. They learn about their history and how the business runs. This year's stops included: Anderson's Candy Shop (delicious chocolate lollipops were purchased), Richmond Café (wonderful strawberry/banana smoothies were shared), our local Post Office (with opportunities to sit in the driver's seat of the mail truck), and a stop on the way back at John and Jules Ennis's beautiful historic home on Broadway that was built in 1898-126 years old!!
Thank you to our community businesses and historical homes for letting us stop and learn more about you!

Earlier this month, 5th-grade students in Mrs. Eisch’s class organized engaging activities for their kindergartner buddies in Mrs. Peterson’s class! These activities were designed to emphasize cooperation and teamwork skills. They all had a blast!

Check out our Field Day photos! (Link below is for our Facebook Photo Album)


https://forms.gle/J3EjZmjQF9FYn8h76 - Please use this form to register your child for our 6th Gr Orientation ~ August 13th - 14th, 2024. Camp will be held daily from 8:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Please submit one form per incoming 6th grader in your household. Registration must be received no later than Friday, June 21st, 2024.

Field Day is on Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. Please wear your Field Day shirt OR your grade level color! Check out our color guide!

A few photos from our Crime Scene Science Assembly last week.

Students in Mrs. Vavalle's class performed a super fun end-of-the-year activity. They took turns, timing, recording, and jumping for 1 minute. They then compared who jumped the most, the least, and all-together jumps. Lastly, they graphed their jumps on either a bar or pictograph. We had so much fun jumping!!!