Richmond Wrestling Club Registration for 2021-2022 is now open. There are flyers in the office for information.
Please click on the link below to read the Fall 2021 Newsletter.
Good Luck to the NMS Boys Basketball and the Cheer Squad as they begin their 21/22 season. Go Knights!
Please click on the link below for the latest student exclusion chart from the MCDH.
Next week is Spirit Week
Mon., 10/25 ~ Fall Sports Day- Wear your favorite team apparel.
Tues., 10/26~Hippie Tuesday
Wed., 10/27~PJ Day
Thur., 10/28~USA Day-Wear Red, White, & Blue
Fri., 10/29~Costume Day-Halloween Attire
Please check out our NMS Family Update 10-19-21
Today, October 19 we will be conducting a fire evacuation drill with the Richmond Fire Department. This is only a drill and should only last a fire minutes.
NMS Picture Retakes will be Wednesday, October 27.
Congratulations to the 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball Teams on your hard work and dedication during the recent seasons.
Unity Day is October 20th
Wear and Share Orange to prevent bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
7/8 boys basketball tryouts will be held 10/18 & 10/19 at NMS from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. After school, head to the locker room to change and be ready to go at 3:00. Have your ride pick you up at the front door at 4:30.
Full season schedules will be handed out after tryouts on Tuesday.
Knight Crew is a positive leadership program available to 6th through-8th graders at Nippersink Middle School. Please check your email for K-Crew information and permission slips. K-Crew will host its first meeting after school on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, in Mrs. Wieter’s room. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Chase or Mrs. Wieters.
Any 7th or 8th-grade girls interested in trying out for the NMS cheerleading squad please see Mrs. Busa to sign up. Tryouts will be held October 18 & 19 from 3-4:30 pm and you will need a ride home.
Help support the NMS Music Department by purchasing a Butter Braid! All members of NMS Bands or Choirs have order forms or order online by clicking the band/choir member's name located within this link:
Orders can be made through November 2 and delivered to band/choir members on November 8. Thanks for your support!
Good Luck Cross Country Runners at the Conference Meet. @ Emricson Park
Please Click on the Link provided below to stream the Nippersink SD 2 Board of Education meeting. The meeting will be Wednesday, September 29, 2021 @ 7:00pm.
The Link below will take you to the the District's Covid-19 webpage. It will provide you with the latest updates from the ISBE & IDPH on changes to students exclusion rules, new Executive Orders and Covid-19 mitigations.
Please take a look at our NMS Family Update 9-21-21.
There are still 2020/2021 Yearbooks available for sale in the office.
We did have an individual who did test positive for COVID 19. Please see the following letter. If your child is considered a close contact, we will contact you separately.