The Link below will take you to the the District's Covid-19 webpage. It will provide you with the latest updates from the ISBE & IDPH on changes to students exclusion rules, new Executive Orders and Covid-19 mitigations.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please click on the link provided below for the latest communication from Superintendent Tom Lind.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Wednesday's Board of Education meeting will be live streamed. The meeting will be at the Nippersink Middle School Gym and will start at 7:00pm. Below is the link to stream the meeting live.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
We had an amazing first day back today! #GreatStart #Awesomeness
over 3 years ago, Scott Whipple
Please click on t he Link below for the latest FAQ regarding IDPH mitigations.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
We are aware we had a bus accident this morning and happy to report no injuries. We are on scene with the police and fire department and request you not come to the scene unless called by the district to pick up your child. Thank you, Dr. Tom Lind
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Clink on the Link below to read the IL State Superintendent's message to School Districts who do not follow the recent Governor's Executive Order mandating masking.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please click on the link below for the lasted ISBE/IDPH guidance for reopening school this Fall. The following policies on masking, exclusions and quarantining are part the Executive Order issued by Governor Pritzker on August 4th, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Vaccination Clinic for students 12 and over and any community members who would like to be vaccinated. When/Where: Tuesday August 3rd from 11 am-4pm @ RBCHS. Click on link for details.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please click on the link below for the latest update on D157s and D2s efforts to advocate to the ISBE, IDPH, and Governor Pritzker for a common sense approach to covid-19 mitigations for the start of the 2021-22 school year.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please click on the link below to stream the June Board of Education Meeting on June 23, 2021 @ 7:00 pm.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Click on the link below to read the latest D2/D157 Newsletter.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Click on the link below for the latest information from MCDH on vaccination sites and dates/times available for students 12 years old and up.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please click on the link below to read the Superintendent Tom Lind's end of the year message.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Please click on the link below to stream Wednesday's Board of Education Meeting. The Board of Education meeting will begin at 7:00 pm on 5/26/2021.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
As it is important to us to ensure that the information we are providing to our families is relevant and useful, we ask that you take the time to respond to this brief survey about our communication. The survey is intended to be filled out by parents/guardians only. Thank you for your time!
over 3 years ago, NSD2
Please click on the link below for information regarding MCDH's covid-19 vaccination clinics for students 12 years old and up. Asymptomatic students who are fully vaccinated will not need to quarantine anymore if exposed to another student who is positive.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
A new federal program, The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, announced today that eligible homes could start signing up on May 12, 2021 to receive $50 off the monthly cost of home internet access. More information about the program can be found at
almost 4 years ago, NSD2
Tonight's April BOE meeting will begin at 7:00 pm at the District Administration Center. Below is the public Zoom link if you would like to stream it.
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind
We are excited to welcome all our students back to school today! Have a great week!
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Tom Lind