September 15, 2023
Please use the link provided to view the latest D2/D157 newsletter online.
We have also included the correct "Welcome Back" message f...
September 5, 2023
NMS Food Drive September 5th - September 11th Richmond Food Pantry needs our help to stock the shelves. They are looking for paper products (paper towels, paper plates, toliet pap...
September 1, 2023
Greetings, Please use the link provided to read the latest letter from the superintendent. Thank you
August 30, 2023
Nippersink Middle School is kicking off their fundraiser to raise money. The fundraiser will be running from 09/04/2023 – 09/25/2023. More information will be coming home with you...
August 29, 2023
Homework Help will begin on Tuesday, 9/5 at 3p. Please pick up your students at 4p at the front of the school. Homework Help will be on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday's.
August 24, 2023
8th Gr Volleyball Tryouts have been CANCELED for TODAY! Tryouts will be tomorrow 3:05p - 4:30p at NMS 7th Gr will tryout at Spring Grove Elementary TODAY 3:05p - 4:30p!
August 14, 2023
Greetings, Please click on the link provided to view the August lunch menu. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon! Dr. Tom Lind
May 12, 2023
The NMS Student Services Department welcomes you to their hand-crafted microsite "Raising Middle Schoolers" providing resources to help us deeply understand our middle school stu...
May 8, 2023
Greetings to our D2 and D157 communities. Please use the link provided to to view the latest D2/D157 newsletter. Spring Newsletter 2023 Thank you
April 28, 2023
Registration form for our 23-24 Mission Possible Camp on August 1-3 from 8:45-11:30AM
April 19, 2023
Come out to see the 7th/8th Gr Choir, Band & Jazz Band Concert this evening at 7p in the NMS Gym.
April 17, 2023
April 2023
Dear Parents,
Nominations are being taken for the Nippersink Middle School PTO Executive Board for the 2023-2024 school year. If you or someone you know wants t...
March 21, 2023
Check out day one of the play here
Check out day two of the play here
March 10, 2023
Dear District 2 and District 157 Families,
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year will open for all students, new and returning, beginning on Monday, April 3rd. Registra...
February 28, 2023
To Nippersink Families
I first want to thank you for all the support from the families and community over these past two years. It has been an amazing opportunity and I can sti...
February 27, 2023
Please click on the this LINK for info on the Sixth Grade Iron Giraffe Challenge which helps brings water to South Sudan.