Spring Grove Elementary School is a public Pre-K-5 elementary school in Spring Grove, Illinois. The principal is Mr. Chris Pittman. There are 327 children enrolled at Spring Grove Elementary. The ratio of students to teachers at Spring Grove Elementary School is 15:1.

Student-Parent-Staff Compact

All Students, Parents and Staff sign a compact to S.O.A.R!
Show respect, RespOnsibility, Act safely and Remember to always do my personal best!!

Vision Statement

At Spring Grove Elementary every student, every teacher, every parent is driven by a passion for learning which illuminates the growth of the whole child.  To become productive individuals, students will consistently discover, grow, and engage their curiosity and love of learning. 

Mission Statement

The SGE community will EMPOWER all students and celebrate their growth to prepare them for an ever-changing world.

We… E - Educate
We… M - Motivate
We… P - Persevere
We are… O - Optimistic 
We are… W - Welcoming
We are… E - Eager
We are… R - Resilient

SGE Eagle